What’s the expiry date of bag sealing tape?There seems no clear singal written on the product packaging or the tape.Normally domestic China customers won’t consider this problem,because it’s easy for them to buy either in large quantity or in bulk.Many potential distributers import containers bag sealing tape because they believe they can sell them out quickly,but how about the distributers having small business but eager to save cost in importing procedure?They have large stock but long selling or using period,now come the problem,what’s the expiry date of bag sealing tape?Does the permanent sealing tape share the same expiry date with resealable sealing tape?
After years of testing,we come out the result,in the situation of full sealed by plastic bags and no expose in the sun,resealable sealing tape has long expiry date of 2 years,unfortunately permanent sealing tape has half of it,only 1 year and best performance in half year.
The adhesive of resealable sealing tape is acrylic adheisve,about 40 micron total,it’s very thin.Besides,the gaps between layers are narrow,so the adhesive volatile slowly,they have long expiry date owe to this case.But we don’t suggest long time stock.Bag sealing tape is a kind of industry consumables using very frequently,long time stock will make your capital turnover difficult and space waste.And if you take the risk of challenging the expiry date of bag sealing tape,the liner may degum from adhesive for adhesive weaking.
The adhesive of permanent bag sealing tape is very thick,almost 3 time to resealable tape.The thick hot melt adhesive coated on PET middle basic materil make the gaps between layers wide,causing more area contacting to the air,result is the adhesive volatile fast.In the meantime,the release liner stay steady,conflict between liner and adhesive appears,tape began to shrink and out of shape,but the performance of adheisve doesn’t weak.
Temperature has effect on tape,too.Normal temperature bag sealing tape become weak down 0°,when the temperature rise up,viscosity recovers.In temperature down 0° and high than -5°,we suggest our low temperature cold resistant bag sealing tape,but they don’t suitable for temperature high than 40°.